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1 March 2006 Editorial
Anne Loison, Jon E. Swenson, Henrik Andrén
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Wildlife Biology is now in its twelfth year. For the last five years, Jon Swenson was the Editor-in-Chief. During this time, Wildlife Biology has experienced a 15% annual increase in submitted manuscripts and has grown in size and quality. The Nordic Board for Wildlife Research (NKV) provides the guidance and most of the financial support for Wildlife Biology. During this period, France joined the NKV and their wildlife biological journal, Game and Wildlife Science, was fused with Wildlife Biology. This has further strengthened the position of Wildlife Biology among the leading wildlife biological journals. Our aim is to publish solid wildlife biological research from the entire world. During the last two years, more than 30% of the papers published in Wildlife Biology are from outside Europe, especially from North America. We will work to increase this proportion, and also hope to publish more papers from Asia, Africa, Oceania and South America.

The increasing popularity of Wildlife Biology has caused us a luxury problem; a backlog of accepted manuscripts. To deal with this, we have increased our rejection rate to close to 60%, which has improved the quality of the published papers. In addition the NKV has decided to increase the size of the journal beyond the increase made in 2005. The NKV is also aggressively pursuing plans to put Wildlife Biology on-line.

Jon Swenson has stepped down after over five successful years as Editor-in-Chief of Wildlife Biology. He will still be devoting time to Wildlife Biology by serving as Deputy Editor-in-Chief, thereby ensuring a smooth transition with the new Editor-in-Chief, Anne Loison. It is an exciting challenge for Anne, along with the hard-working and dedicated team of Associate Editors and editorial staff (Jan Bertelsen and Helle Klareskov), to keep Wildlife Biology moving and improving as one of the major wildlife biological journals. Most of the editorial procedures will be maintained, but some will be changed in an effort to speed up the review process.

In addition to the scientific papers we have started a category of papers about Current Management. More papers are coming in this category. Furthermore, we recently started to publish book reviews. Due to positive feedback from our readers, we hope to include more book reviews in future issues.

Anne Loison, Editor-in-Chief

Jon E. Swenson, Deputy Editor-in-Chief

On behalf of the Nordic Board for Wildlife Research (NKV) I would like to thank Jon Swenson for his excellent work as the Editor-in-Chief for Wildlife Biology during the last five years. Jon will continue working with Wildlife Biology as the Deputy-Editor-in-Chief. This means that Harto Lindén steps down as the Deputy-Editor-in-Chief. I would also like to welcome Anne Loison as the new Editor-in-Chief. Without you dedicated people there would not have been a Wildlife Biology. Thank you very much to all of you.

Henrik Andrèn, Chairman of NKV

Anne Loison, Jon E. Swenson, and Henrik Andrén "Editorial," Wildlife Biology 12(1), 1, (1 March 2006).[1:E]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 March 2006
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